India is a land of culture, diversity, rich history, mythology, temples, saints, language and offering so much more.
One of the interesting points that though everyone is aware of, yet unaware of (perhaps) is the meaning behind the word – “Jayanthi”. To state the obvious is the numerous Jayanthi’s being celebrated in India. The most visible and popular is the Krishna Jayanthi, followed by Rama Jayanthi, Hanuman Jayanthi, Buddha Jayanthi, Mahavir Jayanthi and even premier saints such as Ramakrishna and Sai Baba of Shirdi have their own Jayanthi’s.
My interpretation of Jayanthi
Jayanthi generally means the birth of the Lord in the form of a human being in the earth. He takes the form of a human to ease the sufferings of humans. To celebrate the Lords’ birthday, there is a celebration marked by a festival and feast too. For example, Lord Krishna took birth on one special day, so it is called Krishna Jayanthi or Janmashtami. Same it is for Rama Jayanthi etc.
So, in the typical case of Krishna Jayanthi, there is a pomp, show, breaking of the curd filled mud pot and so much of fun and frolic.
But, what many do not know and should understand is the significance of the Jayanthi more than the day the Supreme Lord is born. One should not take literal reference to one’s birthday but, should take it as the Lord’s time of birth. For every avatar that takes place in the earth, he is always born at a very special time which is rare.
To once again cite the example of Krishna, everyone is aware the Lord was born in an auspicious muhartha with a rare combination of factors. His birth took place in the month of Sraavana, in Ashtami thithi, rohini nakshatra and at midnight. So, this muhartha is called Jayanthi. In effect, the coming together of so many rare factors at a particular time is called Jayanthi.
So, the Supreme Lord was born in this Jayanthi, and his avatara is celebrated as Krishna Jayanthi.